EFT Level 3 - Online
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Fri 17 Jan to Fri 07 Feb
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Thu 13 Feb
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EFT Online Group Mentoring for Trainers
Fri 14 Mar
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This month's article gives hints and tips on working with affirmations, and also overcoming the doubts that can beset us when we start a new challenge. If you know how to do EFT at a simple level or more try the following setups to help you dispel the doubts to have a more solid foundation towards achieving success.
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, or change the words to fit your exact situation. If you need a reminder of the EFT tapping points please download this pdf file. It also provides a reminder of how to do EFT.
"Even though I can't believe this affirmation, I wonder if I can suspend my disbelief "
"Even though these words sound oddly hollow to my ears, they just don't resonate, I wonder if I can open up to them even a little bit "
"Even though this sentence just doesn't sit right with me, and I can't imagine it happening, I choose to lessen my resistance and open up to it a bit more "
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat this round more than once if you wish.
***These phrases focus on tapping out the problem***
1st Round
Head: "I don't know if I can believe these words"
Eyebrow: "They sound hollow to my ears"
Side of Eye: "How can I achieve this goal?"
Under Eye: "When I can't see the steps leading to it"
Nose: "I know I can sometimes be impatient"
Chin: "I want it to all happen right now"
Collarbone: "I want this blessing to be achieved now"
Under Arm: "What if it's about me?"
Ribs: "What if I need to allow myself to believe in it in some shape or form?"
2nd Round
Head: "What if I need to lift my spirits so that I can start playing with these words?"
Eyebrow: "I want to have some fun in fulfilling these words"
Side of Eye: "That feels good to me"
Under Eye: "What if the first step isn't about things outside of me?"
Nose: "What if it's up to me to take action within?"
Chin: "What if I need to open up my heart centre just a bit more?"
Collarbone: "So that these words feel a little more real to me"
Under Arm: "So that I can hear these words more clearly"
Ribs: "So that I can see them coming true, perhaps even sense them in other ways"
If any negative thoughts or feelings remain about believing in your own affirmations use your own words to neutralise them until they are gone. Then move on to the positive.
***These phrases bring in a positive focus on the solution***
Head: "Maybe I can let this feeling grow some more "
Eyebrow: "Maybe I need to nurture it like I do a plant "
Side of Eye: "Maybe by getting to know these words better I can start getting ideas"
Under Eye: "Ideas that inspire me to action that's in turn going to move me forward"
Nose: "I like the feelings these words give"
Chin: "The words feel natural and comfortable to me"
Collarbone: "I'd like to get to know them even better"
Under Arm: "And so start resonating with them"
Rib: "Then they can bring me blessings from all that I believe in"
Head: "Taking me forward to realise my goal"