How do I get more clients?

I get asked this most months as a mentor and coach to practitioners. Here are some of the things I share. 

Photo Credit: Kristina Litvjak

It's not one single strategy, marketing or action step. 

It's not doing lots of social media.

It's not about spending money on the slickest website, and paying for the best photographer to take pictures of you. 

It is instead about falling in love with the parts of your business you're in. 

I'm entering my 19th year of being a full time EFTer. I made a promise to myself when I started. After every interaction with a prospect or client I would pause and reflect about what I did enjoy, and what I didn't. All the things I loved I would celebrate. All the things that I wasn't a fan of I would tap all over. The end result? A business that I love being in.

Every group and session I run clients new and old will tell me about the powerful quality of space I hold, how heard they feel, how delightful the other participants are, how safe the work feels even though we go deep, how much they learn, how life changing the experience has been . . . 

You see, the act of falling in love with my business has brought me a consistent flow of human beings who respond to that love. My working days are filled with the best of humanity. This in spite of tending to intense and painful emotional topics. Yet I end a day with client work having more energy than when I started. That's because I've been falling in love with the humanity before me.

This is the power of making your own self your best client and tending to your own cares and reactions. You become a conduit for others to find the best in themselves. 

Come join me on this ride! It's so worth it!

Article Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024


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