EFT Online Group Mentoring.
Wed 09 Apr
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Thu 24 Apr
Online Business Energetics Workshop
Thu 22 May to Thu 26 Jun
EFT Level 1 & 2 Training.
Fri 23 May to Fri 11 Jul
EFT Level 1 - Online.
Fri 23 May to Fri 13 Jun
EFT Level 2 - Online.
Fri 20 Jun to Fri 11 Jul
St Albans, Herts, UK
+44 (0)7811 484 673
Below you can find links to articles written by Sejual and interviews with her that have been published elsewhere
Recovering from Musician’s Dystonia
"Danny" sought EFT sessions via Zoom during the pandemic, when we were no longer in lockdown. He had a painful and rigid left thumb that was preventing him from practising the piano. In normal times he would play with his music group. More importantly, he couldn’t write with his dominant hand. Like many left-handers he pushed his hand across the page, using the thumb. This was adding to the strain.
Taking EFT into the Corporate Market
Work and stress. The two go hand in hand for many. Having both come from the corporate workplace initially - Sejual from law, Lynne from institutional publishing - we knew that there was a great need for stress relief in workplaces, as well as other benefits that are so achievable with EFT.
Corporate Time Management with EFT Workshop
In 2009 I was invited to give my first corporate EFT workshop abroad. I’m sharing my experiences here to show how easy it is to include EFT training into a business skills course for executives.
My training company was asked to provide time management courses for a public body in Bucharest, Romania, that deals with the enforcement of business law. I gave a series of morning workshops over a week, and was also paid to provide drop in clinics for staff to do more focused one to one work.
Tips on EFT Language for a business audience
Avoid presenting yourself as a therapist. Being EFT practitioners it’s quite normal for us to think of our work in this light. We get many of our results with clients by helping them ease their negative emotional states. We often help with physical healing by working on their emotional state. This is the realm of the therapist. However, that identity doesn’t translate well into the corporate arena.
EFT for sports performance
I’ve talked about successfully easing Paul’s back problems in a previous article. He returned to do EFT on his weak knees. Paul is a keen cyclist and also competes in triathlons. Any improvements, large or small would all help him improve his game. Taking each knee separately, each one had a different story to tell!
How to get non-profit organizations to host EFT group meetings
I want to share ideas and tips with other practitioners on how to approach non-profit organisations with the offer of EFT Group Shares. I include the word share in my title as everyone shares in the benefits even when they’re not working on their own issue. From my own experience, getting non-profit organisations to host a share and pay the practitioner is a way of introducing the benefits of EFT to wider audiences who might not normally come across the therapy or have the means to afford working with a practitioner.
The Mindset of taking EFT into Companies
During the Gathering I presented to the whole audience on the 'Mindset to taking EFT into companies'. In truth, this is the same mindset needed to have a succesful private practice when working with individuals.
An Integrated EFT Approach: Business Energetics
Business Energetics is a combination of EFT and an adaptation of a German psychotherapy tool called Family Constellations. Over the last two years Paul Zelizer and I have co-created a method of tapping into the wisdom flowing through businesses to identify where a challenge stems from. This wisdom comes from the client rather than the therapist.
Looking deeply into your business relationships
Using normal approaches, we can do EFT on what’s presenting on the surface of a business situation and get relief. Questions that help us go deeper in our understanding of a problem allow for more effective EFT. Yet, practitioners sometimes struggle with finding those deeper answers. This suggests there’s an element we’ve yet to perceive and resolve.
Joan Kaylor interview - increase profits with Business Energetics
Joan Kaylor interviews Sejual about using Business Energetics to increase profits.
Drawing on Ancestral Wisdom to Grow our Businesses
Our ancestors may feel far off, especially if we’ve never met them. Yet how many stories get passed down the family line about the hardships our relatives suffered? Stories of struggle, survival in difficult times, or of how they were let down by others. How much do these tales shape the way we approach our own lives?
Interview by Grainne O'Neill on Heart Centered Tapping
In this conversation Sejual shares a strategy to doing a different kind of New Year’s resolution - one that’s values driven and simple. She and the host, Grainne, take you through some rounds of EFT tapping along the way to unwind what may be holding you back from kicking off the start of the year with more ease.
Interview by Gary Craig on getting EFT into the corporate market
Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, invited myself and fellow practitioner, Lynne Shaner, to take part in an audio recording with him on how we've successfully taken EFT into large corporations. We were delighted and honoured to be asked.
Radio interview on EFT and the Law of Attraction
Listen to this wonderful sage as she shares her wisdom, her journey, thoughts on the real message of Law of Attraction! How did she go from a thriving career in corporate law to now teaching EFT to corporations, and coaching other EFT practitioners? She shares her beautiful style of EFT with us.
BBC Three Counties Radio - interview on natural pain relief
I was recently invited to be a guest on BBC Three Counties Radio talking about natural pain relief. I share a couple of ideas about how to help ourselves whilst using Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a short interview of 4 minutes taken on 28th October 2009. I hope you enjoy it!
Joan Kaylor interview - Unhealthy relationships are the core problem in business
Joan Kaylor interview - the importance of being Present
Introducing EFT - interview with Jean Supin
Jeanne Supin, from North Carolina - USA, talks with Sejual to find out how she uses EFT in her Executive Coaching business and gives a demonstration of EFT.
The Navigator And Driver Metaphor for effective EFT work - Part 1
Newcomers to EFT can find so many free or cheap resources available online to tap along to. It begs the question: Why hire a practitioner?
The Navigator And Driver Metaphor for effective EFT work - Part 2
Continuation of the article above
EFT and the Law of Attraction - the incremental approach to abundance
When people come to work with us on abundance issues in our Emotional Freedom Techniques practices we introduce them to a powerful way of thinking that we’ve called the Incremental Approach. This article explores combining Law of Attraction into this.
More than 25 years of physical pain resolved with EFT
When I was 4 years old I had major surgery carried out on both my legs. I had been born with rickets which is a childhood condition caused by serious vitamin D deficiency. As a result of poor levels of vitamin D the bones in my legs were bent and I looked bow-legged. Here I talk about how I was freed from the 25 years of pain this had caused.
Resolving Depression with EFT
When talking about providing a natural lasting resolution to depression, I often find the following metaphor helpful in setting the scene. Imagine a hot air balloon that would allow us to journey towards a greater sense of mental well-being. When up in the air, we feel free to be our natural selves, expressing curiosity and joy at the possibilities available to us.
The Power behind the EFT Points
In EFT we have available around 15 points spread across the head, torso and hands that we tap on. Many of these points were originally chosen by Roger Callahan, the creator of TFT. Gary Craig developed EFT from some of the ideas Roger explored.
Why are these points so helpful when we look at the wide array of 300+ points available in acupuncture? This article explores one line of thinking about the benefits of the EFT points, most of which are entry/exit points on meridian lines.
Moving forward from Wikipedia's entry on EFT
You perhaps have heard that Wikipedia doesn’t like EFT. The entry there on tapping is starkly negative and ignores the growing published evidence-base of how effective the tool is. In this article I want to shine a light on a pathway forward with regards to the EFT entry. It’s clear that for now we can’t achieve a positive edit based on balanced evidence.
Interesting uses for tapping on the hand points
The EFT shortcut algorithm is quick to learn, but sometimes the processing of emotions released can take a lot more work. Where there hasn’t been enough time to build trust to do the latter, I’ve found working with the hand points alone useful. Below I describe two situations where I work with the hand points alone.
Irregular heart rhythm problem eased with EFT
The finger points are not used so much in EFT these days. Working with them can still provide a doorway into healing a complicated issue. Here’s an example of where starting with a particular finger point provided my client and me with the quickest way in.
Healing rape distress with EFT
When a person is raped it often opens up such deep feelings of conflict that it’s not always easy to help them resolve the impact of that memory. With EFT the process is so much simpler as we neutralise each branch of the toxic tree, and then create the space to help them review critical decisions they’d made about themselves and their lives at the time of the event.
The Bundling Movie Technique
What I’m about to describe is a variation on the movie technique that I have used to great effect. The original movie technique is an invaluable tool in itself. In the original form we take one clear incident that troubles the client, create a movie that’s at most a few minutes long, tap on the title and each scene of the movie to neutralise each specific element of it. I regularly use it to help work through deeply distressing incidents.
Overcoming a lifelong fruit revulsion and some side benefits
For as long as he could remember Andy couldn’t bear to eat fruit. He would pop a piece of strawberry or other fruit in his mouth every so often but couldn’t stand the texture and would promptly spit it out. It was even worse with dried fruit. Andy would play a dance with his spoon to fish out the offending items from his bowl if ordered by accident.
How supressed emotions can give rise to health problems
I hosted a tele-seminar with medical intuitive, Matt di Lorenzo. We talked about how in our experience supressed emotions lead to physical health problems from general aches and pains in our bodies all the way to chronic illnesses
Sejual asks Gary Craig about the spiritual roots to EFT
I was invited by Gwyneth Moss, founder of the EFT Guild, to give a live presentation regarding Optimal EFT (OEFT).In it, I included its history, examples and Q&A from the EFT Guild audience. After a short intro by Anne Ryan, this video contains the entire presentation. Here are the time stamps for the topics of interest.
Pictures by Kevin Bessat, Sejual Shah, Michal Czyz, Neil Thomas