EFT for stirring up buried "guck" to clear it

This month's article discusses how the rational part of us can bury guck to keep us safe. However, this just goes on to fester in a part of our body. If you'd like help in starting dredge up the sediment in order to clear it with further tapping, try the setups below.

If you need a reminder of the EFT tapping points please download this pdf file. It also provides a reminder of how to do EFT.

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, or change the words to fit your exact situation.

"Even though I've pushed down the pain and anger as I didn't want it to belong to me, I love and accept myself "

"Even though I wasn't ready before to acknowledge the depth of my negative feelings and so I had to bury them, I love and accept myself "

"Even though burying those feelings has meant I'm out of touch with my own pain but maybe I can dredge the bottom to skim off the rubbish, I love and accept myself "

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat this round more than once if you wish.  

***These phrases focus on tapping out the problem***

1st Round

Head: "I know there's pain in my body "

Eyebrow: "Connected with that painful time "

Side of Eye: "I've tried to be a reasonable adult in the way I handle this "

Under Eye: "I didn't want others to think badly of me "

Nose: "But maybe it's time to churn up this old rubbish "

Chin: "After all it's doing no good being stuck in my body "

Collarbone: "Maybe I can speak out loud about exactly what I think of them "

Under Arm: "And the nonsense they brought into my life "

Ribs: "Maybe it's time for the 7 year old within to scream and shout it's unhappiness "

2nd Round

Head: "I've repressed this for so long "

Eyebrow: "I didn't know how to deal with it before "

Side of Eye: "I shoved my pain into corners of my body "

Under Eye: "That are now busy complaining even as I tap "

Nose: "Maybe my younger self is speaking its pain through my symptoms "

Chin: "Maybe it's alright to do that in the privacy of my own space and heal the root issue "

Collarbone: "Don't I owe it to myself to do that? "

Under Arm: "Why should I let them win and continue to have control over me? "

Ribs: "Maybe I can dredge this up to clear it out of my body "

Tap on specific negative elements to the event or situation that stand out in your mind. Use language that captures exactly how you feel. The more honest you are with yourself whilst tapping, the more freedom you will achieve.


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