EFT Online Group Mentoring.
Wed 09 Apr
Thu 24 Apr
Thu 22 May
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Online Business Energetics Workshop
Thu 22 May to Thu 26 Jun
EFT Level 1 & 2 Training
Fri 23 May to Fri 11 Jul
EFT Level 1 - Online
Fri 23 May to Fri 13 Jun
EFT Level 2 - Online
Fri 20 Jun to Fri 11 Jul
St Albans, Herts, UK
+44 (0)7811 484 673
Client Love
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Name: Riki
When: Fri 26th Jun 2020
I have been waiting for the words to take shape to do this justice. It's taken a while, but here we go.
I have attended a few Business Energetics calls with Sejual over a period of a year. I find her to be highly empathic and tuned into a" knowing" energy field. She brings gentleness, humour and a sense of ease, and safety to the process.
I felt like she "saw" me on the first call, and I was ready. This worked like magic for me in untangling deep inner blocks to my core self. My journey with her was perhaps a bit different in that I didn't notice an increase of clients or a significant change in my business.
However, I don't think that was my most pressing need at the time. I needed to grow myself and feel more grounded in my life in general before I could grow my business. I learnt to embrace uncertainty and make some personal changes in my life. This shift has helped tremendously with the uncertainty brought about by the Covoid virus and has served me well.
The benefit for me after completing the sessions, as they evolved, has been experiencing a sense of presence, a stronger connection to my core-self. A resilience and a deeper feeling of gratitude for the simple things.
I feel in moving forward that I am now ready work more on growing my business and look forward to joining Sejual in the future at some point.
In gratitude.