EFT Online Group Mentoring.
Wed 09 Apr
Thu 24 Apr
Online Business Energetics Workshop
Thu 22 May to Thu 26 Jun
EFT Level 1 & 2 Training.
Fri 23 May to Fri 11 Jul
EFT Level 1 - Online.
Fri 23 May to Fri 13 Jun
EFT Level 2 - Online.
Fri 20 Jun to Fri 11 Jul
St Albans, Herts, UK
+44 (0)7811 484 673
Location : Online
Dates: Weekly, starting Thu 22 May at 4:00pm for 6 weeks.
International start times: 11:00 New York, 16:00 London, 17:00 Paris, 20:30 Delhi, 23:00 Hong Kong, Fri 01:00 Sydney, Fri 03:00 Aukland
Cost: £500 Pay
In 2009 I co-developed a tool that combines EFT with Family Constellations principles for business issues. It’s a deep-thinking energetic approach that draws on the wisdom of our ancestors to transform our thoughts and beliefs to then allow for more of what we desire in our work.
This workshop series is intended to address the energy behind problems that show up in growing a business. This could be about allowing more clients to find your work, afford your services, drawing marketing opportunities to you, cutting through the overwhelm in decision-making, or making being in business easier and more satisfying.
I participated in a 6-week Business Energetics workshop experience with Sejual. It was delightful from start to end!
My business and I experienced so many encouraging positive changes during that time. The main important change has been MORE CLIENTS with almost no effort! That hasn’t happened in a long, long time. Referrals suddenly came in, old clients contacted me for new work, people found my website….. I’m as busy now as I can manage and it’s the first time that it’s a possibility for me to start a small waiting list to work with me.
Liesel Teversham
These are the principles I’ve used to grow my own successful EFT business whilst living in keeping with my values. If you’ve worked with me, you’ll be aware I’m selective about my marketing exercises and choose to show up with a quiet presence that is compelling. This keeps a steady flow of quality clients who value my work.
Overview of Business Energetics
In 2019 I was invited to speak on The Tapping World Summit after being recommended for the quality of my work.
In 2020 during the Corona virus pandemic and lockdowns my business grew another 20% in client flow and revenue.
In 2021 I spoke on Business Energetics at an online EFT conference with a small line-up of 4 presenters, including Gary Craig, the founder of EFT. It was an honour to be on such a prestigious line-up as Gary rarely speaks at events. Since then I've been coaching clients to help them handle multi-million pound deals they’re negotiating. In the years since my business keeps growing and sustaining itself through whatever challenges that show up.
I credit all of this to Business Energetics.
This workshop is NOT about taking action you’re not aligned with. It is instead about staying true to your personal values. It’s really about using metaphysical principles to hold a steady field of well being that allows your business and you to prosper.
We're transforming ourselves to allow love to flow even more through our work to benefit all involved. That's a win/win perspective.
The participants will meet once a week on the same day and at the same time for 6 weeks. There are 6 sessions in total. Each session will last 90 minutes. The group is small to allow for good individual attention and group engagement. We meet via Zoom. Each call will be recorded for the group participants.
You can read/hear more about Business Energetics at this link and in another suite of articles here.
Once I felt committed to EFT and having it as a part of my practice this opened doors for clients to come through. It seemed almost magical however I know that it was the process that Sejual took us through as well as making a commitment and befriending my business and finances.
My business has grown each month since I took the Business Energetics. I went from 10 clients a week to over 30 clients. I am so busy I now have to cutback. What a great feeling that is. I receive on average two to three new referrals each week.
I am so very grateful to you, Sejual, for helping me to accept EFT into my counseling business which has provided healing for so many, especially me.
Lorraine Edey, PhD, LCSW, AFC
Sometimes unforeseen events arise and you might need to cancel. For cancellations more than 14 days before the beginning of the workshop, I offer refund of any money paid less a non-refundable £50 administrative fee. For cancellations less than 14 days, the workshop fee is not refundable. Instead I'll invite you to attend the next available Business Energetics workshop I run.
In the event I need to cancel a course for any reason, registered attendees will be offered a full refund of the money they've paid.
To Book
Please use the Pay button at the top to book a place, or contact me with any questions about the course.