EFT for letting go of desperate feelings about a relationship

This month's article explains how any desperation you're expressing in a relationship will have the opposite effect to what you intend. If you know how to do EFT at a simple level or more try the following setups to free you from that negative emotion and engender a more healthy relationship.

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, or change the words to fit your exact situation. If you need a reminder of the EFT tapping points please download this pdf file. It also provides a reminder of how to do EFT.

"Even though I feel some fear that they might not heed me I accept myself and who I am"

"Even though I feel desperate about this relationship that I need to work I love and accept myself "

"Even though there are some unhappy feelings about this relationship and I don’t know how to handle them, maybe I can take a step back and find a way to relax about it and get some perspective "

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat this round more than once if you wish.  

***These phrases focus on tapping out the problem***

1st Round

Head: "I feel this fear that they won’t want me "

Eyebrow: "This desperate feeling comes up that they’ll reject me "

Side of Eye: "I can’t let that happen as this is so vitally important "

Under Eye: "I need them to want me as much as I need them "

Nose: "Maybe I feel this unhappy feeling somewhere in my body "

Chin: "I don’t like the way it moves "

Collarbone: "What if I could open an imaginary tap "

Under Arm: "And let that tension about the relationship start flowing out of me? "

Ribs: "At least I’d start to feel physically better "

2nd Round

Head: "That would be a step forward "

Eyebrow: "This unhappy feeling has been affecting my take on the situation "

Side of Eye: "It’s been clouding my perspective "

Under Eye: "I’d like to release the need to feel so desperate "

Nose: "Because by feeling more free in my being "

Chin: "I can inject a positive note into this relationship "

Collarbone: "Maybe the other person wants to feel as much valued as I do "

Under Arm: "I know that I respond to kind and thoughtful contact "

Ribs: "What if they would like something similar? "


If any negative thoughts or feelings remain about believing in your own affirmations use your own words to neutralise them until they are gone. Then move on to the positive.


***These phrases bring in a positive focus on the solution***

Head: "What if by nurturing a supportive connection "

Eyebrow: "I can give the best of myself "

Side of Eye: "And so encourage the best of them? "

Under Eye: "That's a great way to foster excellent two-way communication "

Nose: "I feel happy when the energy flows both ways "

Chin: "It's evidence of my having a beneficial effect "

Collarbone: "I love it when my work is valued "

Under Arm: "It’s why I do what I do and reach out to others "

Ribs: "I'm grateful for all the times it happens and welcome more of it into my life "


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