EFT for finding the gift in the journey

This month's article is about how the journey on the way to the goal is the most valuable part of the experience. The journey offers a tremendous gift in self knowledge and finding this can speed up your way to attaining your goal. The script below is to help you play with exploring this.

If you need a reminder of the EFT tapping points please download this pdf file. It also provides a reminder of how to do EFT.

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, or change the words to fit your exact situation.

"Even though I don't want to bother with the journey, I just want to get to the end, I soothe and accept myself "

"Even though I I feel tired at the thought of unlocking these mysterious self truths. Why can't they be straightforward and obvious? I love and accept myself nonetheless "

"Even though I was told before it was all about achieving and yet I've been struggling to get there, what if I could pause and see where I am? "

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat this round more than once if you wish.  

***These phrases focus on tapping out the problem***

1st Round

Head: "All this frustration at not getting there "

Eyebrow: "I thought hard work would get me there "

Side of Eye: "And then when that didn't work I thought tapping would get me there "

Under Eye: "I've been persistent and I'm still not getting to the end "

Nose: "I feel frustrated and tired at not finding my way forward "

Chin: "It feels mysterious"

Collarbone: "I feel like I've been walking round in circles on my journey "

Under Arm: "What if I could just pause for a while "

Ribs: "And see where I am? "

2nd Round

Head: "I remember they told me that it was all about hard work "

Eyebrow: "They did it that way. What if my way is different? "

Side of Eye: "I've tried working hard at this but I'm not seeing my way clear "

Under Eye: "What is it that I'm missing? "

Nose: "What if could look at my experience "

Chin: "For the deeper insight it's offering "

Collarbone: "What if by growing through it I'm doing all that I need? "

Under Arm: "What if I don't need to do all that work the hard way? "

Ribs: "Perhaps I just need to listen to my own insights coming up "

Keep tapping on specific negative feelings you connect with, tapping on the points until they are low. Then tap on the positive phrases below.

***These phrases bring in a positive focus on the solution***

Head: "I've been exploring the importance of my journey "

Eyebrow: "I've been playing with finding the gift "

Side of Eye: "I'd thought it was all about the challenge "

Under Eye: "Maybe I can relax in to finding more comfortable ways to find the gift "

Nose: "Now that I'm focused on finding the gift "

Chin: "Maybe it can be an easier ride "

Collarbone: "And then the goal will be achieved "

Under Arm: "Whilst the journey takes centre stage "

Ribs: "I'm starting to find out more about the person within "


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